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Seminar Title【專題講座】運用隱喻力提升英語溝通力
Start Date2016-11-03 15:00:00
End Date2016-11-03 17:00:00
Introduction講座時間:105.11.03(四) 15:00~17:00\r\n講座地點:醫綜大樓後棟一樓 語文教室一\r\n講座講者:師範大學英語學系 王宏均老師\r\n\r\n講座說明:\r\n透過討論及實際演練,學習如何使用隱喻來增強英語溝通的能力。\r\nThis talk is an interactive and experiential workshop, in which participants will learn how to use metaphors to empower their communication skills in English. As this talk consists of three parts, we will first discuss what a metaphor is, how it is conceptualized, and why it is influential to the way we think and interact with the outside world. In the second part, we will further discuss the prevalence and importance of metaphors in real-life communication and professional discourse. Finally, strategies will be provided to help participants interpret and produce English metaphors more effectively. Several hands-on activities will also be undertaken to help participants experience these strategies and discover how to use them appropriately.
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