






研討會名稱【College of Management, TMU】Global Lecture-Yale University
開始日期2020-05-26 10:00:00
結束日期2020-05-26 12:00:00
活動說明課程名稱: Human Disease Clinical Treatment Network for the Elderly: The Analysis of Medicare Inpatient Length of Stay Data

課程日期: 2020/05/26
課程時間: 上午10:00-12:00
課程地點: WEBEX線上同步
1. 會議連結webex: https://meetingsapac5.webex.com/meetingsapac5-tc/j.php?MTID=m90b42fa25f60c8941cab47d4faaa7320
2. 會議帳號webex account: 586 348 922
3. 會議密碼password: Global1(4562251 用於從電話和視訊系統加入)

Disease clinical treatment measures, such as inpatient length of stay(LOS), have been examined for most if not all diseases. Such analysis has important implications for the management and planning of healthcare, financial, and human resources. In addition, clinical treatment measures can also informative reflect intrinsic disease properties such as severity. The existing studies mostly focus on either a single disease(or a few pre-selected and closely related diseases) or all diseases combined. In this study, we take an innovative new perspective, examine the interconnections in LOS among diseases, and construct the very first disease clinical treatment network on LOS. Medicare data on 100,000 randomly selected subjects for the period of January 2008 to June 2019 is analyzed. The network structure and key properties are found to have sensible biomedical interpretations. Being the very first of its kind, this study can be informative to disease clinical management, advance our understanding of disease interconnections, and foster complex network analysis.
附件檔案 馬双鴿教授演講v1 JPG