
Seminar TitleEmergence of ecological medicine by Prof. Bruno WALTHER, Research Fellow, Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute
Start Date2011-01-07 12:10:00
End Date2011-01-07 14:00:00
IntroductionIn the framework of the “Global Health in practice” Forums, on January 07, 2011, Prof. Bruno WALTHER, Research Fellow, Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute (TESRI) , will give an unique lecture on “Emergence of ecological medicine ”-at TMU.

Your are all very welcome!

Time: 12:10-14:00
Venue: 2F, Health Science Building, Room 3201.

Lunchboxes will be offered to registered participants.(Please register before 01/06 15:00)
Reference link
Sign-up Date2010-12-21 00:00:00
Sign-up Deadline2011-01-06 15:00:00
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