
研讨会名称Global Health Informatics to Improve Quality of Care
开始日期2017-02-10 21:00:00
结束日期2017-05-31 00:00:00
活动说明The first and innovative course in TMU that cooperate with MIT, USA.
Students of TMU can team up with students in MIT and do the projects.
Excellent projects can be listed in MIT's project site.
Moreover, students can get TMU credits and certificates signed by MIT instructors after finish the course!!

Enroll by Feb. 9, 2014!! Course starts on Feb. 25, 2014 at TMU!!
For students in Taiwan, please register here in order to get your official credits.
主要联絡Mailusman.iqbal85@gmail.com, wanshu@tmu.edu.tw
报名开始日期2017-01-10 00:00:00
报名结束日期2017-01-31 00:00:00
附件档案 Sana flyer 2017 Adobe PDF