
研讨会名称[生统中心 专题演讲]健保数据库研究:全国性家庭资料之建立及其遗传流行病學之应用
开始日期2016-05-27 15:00:00
结束日期2016-05-27 16:30:00
活动说明【主题】:全国性家庭资料之建立及其遗传流行病學之应用 (Nationwide genealogy reconstruction and its application in genetic epidemiology)
【内容】: Genetic epidemiology is a discipline to decipher gene-environmental interaction. The most important parameters used include heritability, sibling recurrence risk ratio and probability of sporadicity. Generally it is based on threshold liability model and requires a large population-based sample to do the analysis. In addition, it needs precise information for family structure and linked health information to identify patients and their family history correctly. We have started the work to do nationwide genealogy reconstruction using the National Health Insurance Research Database and have studied genetic epidemiology of rheumatic diseases. In this talk, I plan to share my experience on the method to do nationwide genealogy reconstruction and its application in genetic epidemiology.

【讲师】:郭昶甫医师 长庚医院风湿过敏免疫科主治医师
【时间】:105/05/27 15:00~16:30
报名开始日期2016-04-29 00:00:00
报名结束日期2016-05-27 16:00:00