
Seminar Title107學年度「北醫深耕講座」-108/7/9(二) - 中央研究院羅浩院士【Receptor Engineering in the Development of \'Ideal Analgesics\' in the Treatment of Pain】(10:30-12:00 後棟8樓徐千田紀念廳)
Start Date2019-07-09 10:30:00
End Date2019-07-09 12:00:00
Introduction講題:Receptor Engineering in the Development of Ideal Analgesics in the Treatment of Pain\r\n講者:中央研究院 羅浩 院士\r\n日期:108年07月09日(二) 10:30-12:00 \r\n地點:醫學綜合大樓後棟後棟8樓徐千田紀念廳\r\n \r\nTitle:Receptor Engineering in the Development of Ideal Analgesics in the Treatment of Pain \r\nSpeaker:HORACE H. LOH, Ph.D., Academician, Academia Sinica\r\nTime:9th July, 2019 (Tuesday) 10:30-12:00 \r\nVenue:Chien-Tien Hsu Memorial Hall, 8F, United Medical Building (Back Building)\r\n
Reference link
Sign-up Date2019-06-03 00:00:00
Sign-up Deadline2019-07-08 16:00:00
Seat Limit30
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