
研讨会名称【演讲】2022.12.14The association between annotation consistency and model enhancement: a case study in BioNER task
开始日期2022-12-14 13:00:00
结束日期2022-12-14 15:00:00
活动说明The association between annotation consistency and model enhancement: a case study in BioNER task

讲者:黄明祥 博士後研究员 (Artificial Intelligence Pervasive Research Center , National Yang Ming Chiao Tung​ University)
日期 : 2022.12.14 星期三
时间 : 13:10-15:00
地点 : 台北医學大學大安校区B2 (B201)


Numerous text inputs are required to establish machine system for natural language processing (NLP). The pre-labeled documents serve as datasets or corpora for system compilation. Therefore, the annotation quality of included corpus would mainly affect the machine efficacy.

In this topic, we briefly introduce the concept of annotation”, which is the foundation of text mining. The well-known Bio-NER corpus, JNLPBA, is used as an actual instance, and the reports from several systems on JNLPBA are provided to illustrate the phenomena of annotation inconsistency. Moreover, we revise JNLPBA corpus, and the corpus quality is measured by inter-annotator agreement (IAA) analysis. Lastly, the comparisons of system training on original/revised JNLPBA are applied to prove the association between annotation consistency and system performance.
报名开始日期2022-12-08 00:00:00
报名结束日期2022-12-13 16:00:00