
Seminar Title植物新藥臨床試驗設計與執行Clinical Trial Design and Execution of New Plant Drugs
Start Date2024-05-15 10:00:00
End Date2024-05-15 12:00:00
Introduction時間Time:2024.05.15 (Thu)10:00~12:00\r\n地點Venue:信義藥學暨營養大樓七樓第一會議室First conference room, 7F, Pharmacy & Nutrition Building, Xinyi campus(原教研大樓originally the Teaching & Research Building)\r\n講者Speaker:胡瑞坤總經理General Manager Simon Hu\r\n講題Title of Speech:植物新藥臨床試驗設計與執行 Clinical Trial Design and Execution of New Plant Drugs\r\n講座語言Lecture language:Chinese \r\n\r\n※請至學術活動網報名並輸入e-mail,以利寄發IRB研習證明\r\nPlease scan the QR code on the right and enter your e-mail for receiving your IRB certificate.\r\n※本次限額40名,不開放現場報名Only 40 seats available, not open for on-site registration
Reference link
Sign-up Date2024-04-26 00:00:00
Sign-up Deadline2024-05-14 00:00:00
Seat Limit40
Signee Date25
Attached file