
Seminar Title2024/06/25【實驗動物中心儀器訓練課程/LAC Training Class_非侵入式活體影像分析系統(IVIS XRMS)暨密閉櫃式X光照射儀/ IVIS XRMS & X CELL Training Class】
Start Date2024-06-25 10:00:00
End Date2024-06-25 12:00:00
Introduction各位師長、同仁您好, rn rn下列為動物中心即將舉辦之儀器訓練課程,歡迎踴躍報名。rn rn非侵入式活體影像分析系統(IVIS XRMS)暨密閉櫃式X光照射儀rn rn rnIVIS XRMS 為非侵入式的冷光或螢光光譜分析技術,用於靈敏的多光譜成像,可監測同一隻動物於不同時點上的變化表現,利用分析系統及影像處理軟體可以立即得到相關的實驗數據,IVIS XRMS 更可以利用X射線進行動物影像截取,並可在同時間與光譜影像重疊取得準確的數據。rnrn密閉櫃式X光照射儀式為設定輻射強度的大小,造成正常細胞或實驗動物的單一範圍或器官細胞受到損壞,卻不會使受測樣本整體遭受破壞。藉此來進行細胞免疫或癌症領域的相關探討rnrn報名時間:2024/6/19–2024/06/24 15:00rn上課時間:2024/01/04 10:00 ~ 12:00rn上課地點:醫學綜合大樓前棟4樓會議室rnrnrn說明:rn1. 完成本場次課程者可認列專題演講學習護照時數rn2. 助理學生請上本校學術活動網線上報名: 教師請上教職員人才發展系統: 教職員若需學分者,請務必於課程時間一個月內至人才發展系統填寫線上課後問卷rn rnDear TMU Faculty,rn rnTaipei Medical University, Laboratory Animal Center (LAC) will be hosting a Seminar Training Program on In Vivo Imaging System (IVIS XRMS) and therefore inviting those interested to kindly register. This seminar will be conducted in chinese.rn rnThe Lumina XRMS includes state of the art spectral unmixing for sensitive multispectral imaging to monitor multiple biological events in the same animal. Use our Living Image® software to automate all the controls and settings required for seamless image acquisition and processing. Typical X-ray image acquisitions take only 10 seconds and can be overlaid with both optical and photographic images. rnrnThe irradiator is designed to set the radiation intensity to cause damage to a single area or organ cell of a normal cell or experimental animal, without damaging the entire sample. This is used to conduct research in the field of cellular immunity or cancer.rnrnrnRegistration time : 2024/6/19–2024/06/24 15:00rnLesson time : 2024/01/04 10:00 ~ 12:00rnPosition:Comprehensive Medical Building (Front Building) Conference Room 4rnrnNote:rn1.The instrument is self-operated; users have to participate in the training seminar and on-site practice and pass the test to qualified for self-operating.rn2.This course (principle and application) only counts towards the continuing education points for faculty members.rn3.This seminar will be conducted in chinese.rn4. Registration website:rnFaculty Member Principle and Application Course: Manager & Student Principle and Application Course: Please fill out the questionnaire within one month after the course.
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Sign-up Date2024-06-19 00:00:00
Sign-up Deadline2024-06-19 00:00:00
Seat Limit12
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