
Seminar TitleInternational Mini-Symposium on Novel Models in Translational Cancer Research
Start Date2024-08-19 09:00:00
End Date2024-08-19 12:00:00
IntroductionTo elevate Taiwans standing in cancer research, particularly in areas such as organoid development and novel genetic engineering animal models (GEMMs), and to foster opportunities for international collaboration, Taipei Medical University is co-hosting the International Symposium on New Models for Translational Cancer Research with the Technion Integrated Cancer Center at the Israel Institute of Technology, a world-renowned institution founded by Nobel Chemistry Laureate Aaron Ciechanover.
Reference link
Sign-up Date2024-07-16 00:00:00
Sign-up Deadline2024-08-19 09:00:00
Attached file 癌症轉譯醫學研究新模式國際研討會final Adobe PDF