
Seminar TitleGlobal Health in practice Forum: Innovative models in personal health records
Start Date2010-10-22 12:10:00
End Date2010-10-22 14:00:00
IntroductionIn the framework of the “Global Health in practice” Forums, on October 22, 2010, Prof. Chien-Yeh HSU (徐建業), Director of the Graduate Institute of Biomedical Informatics, TMU will give a lecture entitled “Innovative models in personal health records”.

Your are all very welcome!

Time: 12:10-14:00
Venue: 2F, Health Science Building, Room 3201.
Reference link
Sign-up Date2010-10-18 00:00:00
Sign-up Deadline2010-10-21 16:00:00
Attached file