111學年度「北醫深耕講座」111/09/16(五) -中研院 司徒惠康院士-Genetic manipulation towards immune tolerance: Approaches by targeting on transcription factors and cytokine networking(14:30-16:00醫學綜合大樓前棟3樓第一會議室)
2022-09-16 14:30:00
2022-09-16 16:00:00
講題:Genetic manipulation towards immune tolerance: Approaches by targeting on transcription factors and cytokine networking
講者:中研院 司徒惠康院士
地點:醫學綜合大樓前棟3樓 第一會議室
Topic: Genetic manipulation towards immune tolerance: Approaches by targeting on transcription factors and cytokine networking
Speaker: Huey-Kang Sytwu, Academician, Academia Sinica
Date: 16th Sep., 2022 (FRI.)14:30-16:00
Room: First meeting room, 3F, Comprehensive Medical Building (Front Building)
※請務必事先報名Please must register in advance
※報名截止日期:111年09月15日 (四)12:00
※Registration website: http://event.tmu.edu.tw/actnews/signup.php?Sn=4473
※Deadline:15th Sep., 2022 (THU.)12:00
※Participant:Faculties and students
※Organizer:TMU Office of Research and Development
※Contact Person:Tracy Kang(m513097010@tmu.edu.tw)