



研讨会摘要统一利用网络传送电子档案给aspirin@tmu.edu.tw (请注明2022研讨会論文摘要投稿)。研讨会摘要缴交期限,为民国111520日前,逾期則不予受理。

请使用下表 (含基本资料共两页并以英文撰写,全文请勿超过300字勿超过一页,并含关键词(不超过5)。英文打字规格为Single Space。本文與章节标题之间,请隔一行繕打。繕打时采用横式,题目、作者、单位采置中对齐外,其他内文采左右对齐。每页上、下、左、右边各留2公分 ,如投稿摘要用纸所示。题目字体都为大写、粗体,字体大小16号,内文字体大小11号。不同单位的作者标示请参考投稿摘要用纸所示。英文请使用Times New Roman Font字体。


Abstract Instruction

Please send your abstract by e-mail to aspirin@tmu.edu.tw (Please note abstract submission). Abstract submission will be closed on May. 20.

Please complete the information and abstract in the following table. The word limit for abstract is 300 words in one page, and the abstract should be typed single-spaced. The keyword is no more than five. The title of your abstract should be made in capital letter, bold face, and 16 point Times News Roman font. The author's name, author’s affiliation, and content should be made in 11 point Times News Roman font.