
研討會名稱106/04/26 約翰·霍普金斯大學心理系Chaz Firestone助理教授學術演講- Cognition does not affect perception (15:00-17:00)
開始日期2017-04-26 15:00:00
結束日期2017-04-26 17:00:00
活動說明Topic : Cognition does not affect perception
Speaker : Chaz Firestone (Department of Psychological and Brain Science, Johns Hopkins University
Date : 2017.04.26 (Wed.) 15:00-17:00
Abstract: What determines what we see? A tidal wave of recent research alleges that visual experience is 'penetrated' by higher-level cognitive states such as beliefs, desires, emotions, intentions, and linguistic abilities. There is a growing consensus that such effects are ubiquitous, and even that the distinction between seeing and thinking may itself be unsustainable. I argue otherwise: There is in fact no compelling evidence for such top-down effects of cognition on perception, or “cognitive penetrability”. I will present several case studies of empirically anchored 'pitfalls' that recast such evidence, in each case showing how alleged top-down effects on perception not only *can be* explained by alternative factors, but in fact *are* explained by such factors. The discovery of substantive top-down effects of cognitionon perception remains a revolutionary possibility for our understanding of how the mind is organized; but without addressing these pitfalls, no empirical report will license such exciting conclusions.
報名開始日期2017-04-11 00:00:00
報名結束日期2017-04-26 15:00:00
附件檔案 talk1 (1) JPG