【學術研究講座】美國約翰霍普金斯大學Associate Prof. Wu | Unraveling Pancreatic Senescence and Tumorigenesis: Leveraging Advanced 3D Spatial Multi-Omics Analysis.
2024-08-02 14:00:00
2024-08-02 15:00:00
美國約翰霍普金斯大學教師來訪,Associate Prof. Wu為AI、癌症與基因定序專家,也是本院醫學系學生暑期國外實驗室-JHU指導教師,研究領域有基於高通量影像的單細胞分析方法開發、癌症侵襲中的腫瘤微環境系統分析,以及用於定量分析患者腫瘤微環境以預測腫瘤結果的機器視覺和學習演算法。
Pei-Hsun Wu is an associate professor at the Institute for NanoBioTechnology. He joined the INBT in 2014 with a research focuses on high throughput image-based single cell analysis method development, tumor microenvironment system analysis in cancer invasion, and machine vision and learning algorithm for quantitative profiling the microenvironment of patient tumors to predict tumor outcomes.
講題 Title
Unraveling Pancreatic Senescence and Tumorigenesis: Leveraging Advanced 3D Spatial Multi-Omics Analysis.
時間 Date
2024年8月2日 (週五) 14:00~15:00
地點 Venue
徐千田紀念廳 (實體演講)
語言 Language